Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise regularly reminds us: “the objective is to eventually only have Ethernet switches running AOS8”. Indeed, all the models that came out and were added to the catalog, sometimes replacing existing models, run version 8 of the AOS. In this context, it is interesting to see the possibilities offered in terms of external automation in a homogeneous environment.
As a reminder, when you are in a mixed AOS6 and AOS8 context, the possibilities are as follows:
- Use the Netmiko library with Python, for which I wrote the AOS module in 2017 and which is still maintained by Kirk Byers during the various upgrades of the library.
- Use the new gmoisio.ale Collection Network Module I wrote for Ansible in 2021 (an upgrade to the ale_aos module).
It is the Web Services function that allows you to customize and extend the management interface on AOS8 devices. In our case, it supports the use of a REST-based web interface that interacts with AOS management variables (MIBs) and CLI commands. So, it provides two configuration methods via direct management of MIB variables or using CLI commands and supports both XML and JSON response formats.
Do not confuse REST with the RESTCONF protocol which uses the YANG data model. REST is a set of guidelines for the software architecture of distributed systems and AOS8 supports the following verbs:
- GET: to retrieve information. It is a coarse equivalent of SNMP/MIB GET but also, at a higher level, an equivalent of the show command. This verb is used exclusively for read-only commands and without any other side effects.
- PUT: to create new information, such as, for example, a new VLAN. This is a write operation.
- POST: Works the same as submitting web forms and is used, in a web service context, to update existing information.
- DELETE: to delete existing information.
Security is maintained through the use of sessions in the backend and cookies in the frontend, which is equivalent to current HTTP security for thin clients.
- Authentication – Adheres to a Web Service model, via its own REST domain and the use of the GET verb.
- Authorization – Follows the authorization mechanism usually used in WebView, where WebView checks with Partition Manager which permission families a user belongs to, thus specifying which MIB tables can be accessed by that user.
- Encryption – If unencrypted access (HTTP) is allowed, then the web service is allowed over the same transport. Likewise, if the HTTP/HTTPS listening ports are changed, the web service will be available through those ports.
The following are used to create the REST URL:
- Protocol – The protocol can be HTTP (clear text) which defaults to port 80, or HTTPS (encrypted) which defaults to port 443.
- Server address [:port] – The IP address is the one used to access the switch. If the listening port has been changed, the port number must be added. The addition of Protocol + Server address [: port] constitutes the “endpoint” of the Web Service.
- Domain – This is the first item that the AOS REST web service will look at. It indicates in which domain the accessed resource is located:
- AUTH – Used for authentication functions.
- MIB – Used to designate access to MIB variables.
- CLI – Used to instruct the web service to run CLI commands.
- INFO – Used to return information about a MIB variable.
- URN – Represents the resource to access. For example, when reading MIB domain information, the URNs are names of MIB variables (in most cases, tables). URNs are accessed using the following verbs: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE.
- Variables – A list of variables that depend on the domain being accessed. When reading the MIB domain, it is a list of variables to be extracted from a MIB table.
The output format can be encoded using XML or JSON. The “Accept” header can be used to specify an output type:
- application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json
- application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+xml
Due to the volatile nature of the returned content, the Web Service (producer) will instruct any system positioned between it and the “consumer” (included) not to cache its output. The following headers are returned by the “producer”:
- Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
- Pragma: no-cache
- Vary: Content-Type
The first two headers indicate that caching should not take place. The last header is for proxy servers, informing them that the Content-Type header is a variable not to be cached. If a proxy server decided not to respect this directive, it would be possible to have unexpected behaviors such as retrieving the JSON data format after specifically requesting the XML format.
For implementing REST on AOS8, I don’t find the official documentation very helpful. Indeed, the proposal is based on the consumer .py library which is not officially maintained and whose evolution is not guaranteed.
To make Python scripts, I prefer to use the requests library which is my favorite for HTTP support. Its use is simple to manage authentication, just create a session and generate all the requests within the framework of this session.
Before being able to use the MIB, it must be analyzed by downloading it and browsing the files using a suitable tool.
- host:
username: admin
password: switch
#!/usr/bin/env python
Restconf python3 example by Gilbert MOÏSIO
Installing python dependencies:
> pip install requests pyyaml
import requests
import yaml
import json
from pprint import pprint
headers = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json'}
if __name__ == '__main__':
# get parameters from yaml file
with open('hosts.yaml') as f:
hosts = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# iterate onto the list
for host in hosts:
# execute requests
# create a session for persistence
session = requests.Session()
# login into the switch
payload = {'username': host['username'],
'password': host['password']}
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/auth/"
session.get(uri, params=payload, verify=False)
# get MIB structure using info domain
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/info/vlanTable?"
response = session.get(uri, headers=headers, verify=False)
print('{0}{1} vlanTable MIB structure {1}{0}'.format('\n', '='*10))
# add a new vlan using mib domain
payload = {'mibObject0': 'vlanNumber:666',
'mibObject1': 'vlanDescription:go_to_hell'}
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/mib/vlanTable"
response = session.put(
uri, data=payload, headers=headers, verify=False)
print('{0}{1} add vlan 666 {1}{0}'.format('\n', '='*10))
# modify vlan description using mib domain
payload = {'mibObject0': 'vlanNumber:666',
'mibObject1': 'vlanDescription:this_one_is_better'}
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/mib/vlanTable"
response =
uri, data=payload, headers=headers, verify=False)
print('{0}{1} change vlan 666 description {1}{0}'.format('\n', '='*10))
# get vlan informations with CLI command
payload_str = '&cmd=show+vlan+666'
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/cli/aos"
response = session.get(uri, headers=headers,
params=payload_str, verify=False)
print('{0}{1} vlan 666 informations {1}{0}'.format('\n', '='*10))
# delete vlan using mib domain
payload = {'mibObject0': 'vlanNumber:666'}
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/mib/vlanTable"
response = session.delete(
uri, data=payload, headers=headers, verify=False)
print('{0}{1} delete vlan 666 {1}{0}'.format('\n', '='*10))
# logout from the switch
uri = f"https://{host['host']}/auth/?"
session.get(uri, verify=False)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
Whether in XML or JSON format, the response contains the following elements:
- domain – Shows how the “producer” interpreted the domain parameter. In most cases, it will be the same as that passed by the “consumer”.
- diag – This integer will be a standard HTTP diagnostic code:
- A 2xx value if the command was successful. In most cases, 200 will be used.
- A 3xx value if a resource has been moved (not implemented).
- A 4xx value if the request contained an error, such as 400 if authentication failed.
- A 5xx value if the server encountered an internal error such as a resource error.
- error – Can be a string containing a plain text error message. It can also be an array of these channels in case the producer finds several problems on this request.
- output – In some cases, the queried subsystem may want to return some text to this variable.
- data – If a GET request is issued, this variable should contain the queried values in a structured form.
6465T ansible_host=
inventory = ./hosts
host_key_checking = False
roles_path = roles.galaxy:roles
stdout_callback = yaml
- name: This is a test to request AOS8 API
hosts: ale
ansible_python_interpreter: "python"
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Login into the switch
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/auth/?username={{ username }}&password={{ password }}"
validate_certs: no
method: GET
register: login
- name: get MIB structure using info domain
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/info/vlanTable?"
validate_certs: no
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: "application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json"
Cookie: "{{ login.cookies_string }}"
register: result
- name: Print body of the response
- "{{ }}"
when: result.json.result.diag == 200
- name: Add a new vlan using mib domain
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/mib/vlanTable"
validate_certs: no
method: PUT
Accept: "application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json"
Cookie: "{{ login.cookies_string }}"
body_format: form-urlencoded
mibObject0: "vlanNumber:666"
mibObject1: "vlanDescription:go_to_hell"
register: result
- name: Print body of the response
- "{{ result.json.result.error }}"
when: result.json.result.diag == 200
- name: Modify vlan description using mib domain
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/mib/vlanTable"
validate_certs: no
method: POST
Accept: "application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json"
Cookie: "{{ login.cookies_string }}"
body_format: form-urlencoded
mibObject0: "vlanNumber:666"
mibObject1: "vlanDescription:this_one_is_better"
register: result
- name: Print body of the response
- "{{ result.json.result.error }}"
when: result.json.result.diag == 200
- name: Get vlan informations with CLI command
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/cli/aos?cmd=show+vlan+666"
validate_certs: no
method: GET
return_content: yes
Accept: "application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json"
Cookie: "{{ login.cookies_string }}"
register: result
- name: Print body of the response
- "{{ result.json.result.output }}"
when: result.json.result.diag == 200
- name: Delete vlan using mib domain
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/mib/vlanTable"
validate_certs: no
method: DELETE
Accept: "application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+json"
Cookie: "{{ login.cookies_string }}"
body_format: form-urlencoded
mibObject0: "vlanNumber:666"
register: result
- name: Print body of the response
- "{{ result.json.result.error }}"
when: result.json.result.diag == 200
- name: Logout from the switch
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/auth/?"
validate_certs: no
method: GET