OV Cirrus 1.0.2 Release Availability

The new OmniVista Cirrus Base and Business subscriptions are officially available today. All OmniVista Cirrus subscriptions can be ordered by resellers with a valid contract with ALE. Resellers must reside in the countries listed here: https://www.al-enterprise.com/-/media/assets/internet/documents/omnivista-cirrus-country-availability-en.pdf

OmniVista Cirrus subscriptions MUST be ordered through the Business Store. They cannot be ordered in eBuy or in SAP! Terms and conditions of sale and more information for partners are on the Business Portal: https://businessportal2.alcatel-lucent.com/search?global_search_fulltext=cirrus

OmniVista Cirrus training is available on our Knowledge Hub, just search for "cirrus". https://kh.education.al-enterprise.com/internal

On the ALE Internet pages, a lot of information is available as well. The OmniVista Cirrus datasheet describes the subscriptions in more depth: https://www.al-enterprise.com/-/media/assets/internet/documents/ov-cirrus-datasheet-en.pdf

The OmniVista Cirrus End Customer Terms of Use document, https://www.al-enterprise.com/-/media/assets/internet/documents/omnivista-cirrus-terms-of-use-for-end-customer-en.pdf

points to the OmniVista Cirrus Service description, describing the three paid subscription types in detail: https://www.al-enterprise.com/-/media/assets/internet/documents/omnivista-cirrus-terms-of-use-for-end-customer-en.pdf