AP1221 upgrade problem


I have problem with upgrading AP1221 in express mode. AP is running version. When I click on Upgrade in GUI, new window opens and closes before I can choose software version. I have tried upgrade from CLI and it fails too. support@AP:/tmp$ tftp -gr OAW-AP1220_3.0.6.28.bin support@AP:/tmp$ osupgrade OAW-AP1220_3.0.6.28.bin open /.tmpinfo/upgrade_result fail. open /.tmpinfo/upgrade_result fail. open /.tmpinfo/upgrade_result fail. open /.tmpinfo/image_info fail. write image info error. Upgrade fail. Then remove the upgrade file:OAW-AP1220_3.0.6.28.bin

I have read the instructions on the support site on how to upgrade with bootloader but I can not find the OAW-AP1220-UBOOT_FIRMWARE_3.0.x.x.bin on partner site. Can You give me instructions how to upgrade AP1221?


Best regards

Hi ngaljak,

Pls raise a Tech support ticket to request the bootloader 3.0.x.x to upgrade 3.0.2 and solve your issue when upgrading thru Stellar GUI in case your configuration is corrupted (your GUI upgrading issue). I would recommend also to use last GA for upgrade. Doublecheck also with file integrity with tftp method to donwload file via CLI manipulation because tftp method is not a recommended method to transfert binaries, exceptions only (local network only) prefer http instead for Stellar.
In case it could solve your 3.0 issue you can also attempt upgrade to AWOS 4.0.2 that are also at disposal through ALE MyPortal only. I note also the support site you mention in reference may be BP website and it is no more accessible today to manage support. Then I can attach you here for help


Thanks for the answer. I have managed to upgrade AP1221 via http. I have connected one AP1201 and one AP1221 in the same group in order to make AP1201 PVM. When AP1221 is not PVM I could open upgrade page and upload firmware.

Best regards